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Back In 1973, Jacques Cousteau said "The Oceans Are Dying" - Soylent Green Movie; Top Secret Information Discovered, The Oceans Are Dying And So Are The Algae - Ocean Algae Produce 50 Percent Of The World's Oxygen

Back In 1973, Jacques Cousteau said "The Oceans Are Dying" - Soylent Green Movie; Top Secret Information Discovered, The Oceans Are Dying And So Are The Algae - Ocean Algae Produce 50 Percent Of The World's Oxygen


Movie Trailer; Soylent Green Is People!!!VIDEO: 1 min. out take

"The oceans are dying and so are the algae."


This is the year 2022. Overcrowding, pollution, and resource depletion have reduced society's leaders to finding food for the teeming masses. The answer is Soylent Green - an artificial nourishment whose actual ingredients are not known by the public. Thorn is the tough homicide detective who stumbles onto the secret so terrifying no one would dare believe him.


West AussieAugust 8, 2015 All I try to do is eat as little as I can now and only chicken occasionally when I'm being ungrateful and ignoring my principles of not wanting to become food myself. Soylent Green is now primed and ready on youtube where I'm going to get back in touch with the future told and ignored from a soon to pass generation.

Also try Netflix, Amazon Prime, or your local DVD rental store to find this movie and watch it..


Back in 1973, Jacques Cousteau said "The oceans are dying". No one believed him then, and almost no one believes it is happening now. The chemical, nuclear and carbon industry are all spouting PR propaganda about their products being harmless through hundreds of shill promotion organizations.


Their mantra is that the hormesis theory works, just like the tobacco industry boasted the same thing for 70 years; that tobacco could not cause cancer and it was good for you; with medical doctors promoting various brands. Today, the industry shills says CO2 is harmless and good for you. 

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations, Scientist Caught Getting Paid By Them For 'Deliverables'

Top Billionaires And Republicans Say Man-Made Global Warming Plus Climate Change Is Real, But Not The Koch Brothers, Who Control The Carbon Monopoly Hold On Political Power

Is Global Warming A Hoax? 14,000 Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers Support Global Warming, Only 24 Don't - Only 1% Of All Scientists Claim That Global Warming Does Not Exist

The pro nuclear shills claim that heavy metal radioactive poisons plus nuclear radiation is harmless and good for you. 

Ann Coulter, Forbes, Conca, Corbett Report Agree; More Radiation Is Good For You. As Part Of Mass Media And Nuclear Industry Promoting Quack Hormesis Theory Promoters


Who controls or monitors huge corporations that have taken over or corrupted the regulators, through revolving doors that lead directly from industry to such agencies as the NRC, FDA, EPA, SEC, etc? When corporations get to staff the highest levels of regulatory agencies and buy off or elect politicians with dark money, doesn't that set up a very corrupt and dark environment, hostile to all life on the planet?

Huge global corporations already control the mass media and lie with impunity about killing both people and the planet plus all life on it. So far, there are no consequences whatsoever for anyone committing mass genocide. What is going to prevent these huge corporations from lying about processing human beings into a food and then selling it? 

Censored, Top Secret! Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, ALEC, TPP, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions

After all, the only motivation that huge corporations have now is short term profit, and nothing else matters. If humans are 'free' for the taking, and this protein or other body part source does not cost anything, but it can generate huge profits, what will prevent these huge sociopathic corporations from making a profit, while the Earth ship is going down? 


The following links to articles and videos document the dying oceans all around the world, thanks to the industrial revolution, with all of its chemicals, nuclear and carbon fuels, plus the garbage that flows into the oceans day after day, without any end. The oceans are large, but they do have a limit about what they can absorb without dying. 

Dead Zones In World's Oceans And Large Lakes Growing, Close To 2 Million Square Miles Globally

Pacific Ocean Catastrophe Confirmed, Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster Causing Massive Die Offs

Fukushima Pacific Ocean Radiation And How It Concentrates In Mussels, Sea Stars, Chitons, Clams, Oysters, And Fish; via @AGreenRoad

2015 - Global Ocean Fishery Negative Tipping Point Report; Whales, Tuna, Scallops, Oysters, Salmon, Cod, Herring, Turtles,

2015 - 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points Report

FEB 2015 UPDATE: 200 Kilometers Of Canadian Pacific Coast Line Dead Zone Devoid of 99% Of All Life, Almost All Tidal Zone Species Missing Entirely

Ocean Acidification Causing Pacific Oyster, Sea Lion, Sardines And Shellfish Die Off

The Deep Pacific Ocean Is Broken/Dead; Devoid Of Life For Thousands Of Miles Where It Used To Be Filled With Life; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima - Up To 50 Cubic Miles Of Radioactive Water Are Pouring Into Pacific Per Year

Plutonium And Cesium Bioaccumulation Up To 26,000 Times In Ocean Algae, Up To 5,570,000 Bq/Kg in Land Algae, Biomagnification From There; via @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Radiation, CO2 Causing Oxygen Depletion Globally, Increases Jellyfish Numbers, Killing Trees, Corals, Fish, Algae; Hyperbaric Oxygen As A Solution

Is Radiation From Fukushima Causing Massive Die-Off Of Oysters And Scallops - B.C. And Pacific Ocean Coast?

Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Radiation And Links To Mass Die Off Of Sea Stars, Starfish, Chitons, Abalone, Mussels, Sun Stars, Salmon In Pacific Ocean, S. California To Alaska

Massive And Uncontrolled Radioactive Waste Dumping In Oceans Continues On Even Today via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Waste Ocean Dumping Documentary Movie via @AGreenRoad

High Level Radioactive Liquid Waste Fukushima Storage Tanks With High Level Radioactive Water To Be Dumped Into Pacific Ocean

South Pacific French Polynesia Islanders On Mururoa Sue French Government For 1 Billion Dollars For Compensation For Damages Caused By Nuclear Bomb Testing

6 Global Garbage Patches, North Atlantic, Indian and North Pacific Garbage Gyres Described

The future dystopian vision of a dying ocean and dying algae is happening now. The world's oceans have been dying since the 70's in a slow motion train wreck. The train wreck of acidification, dead zones, radioactive contamination, and mass die off's is accelerating and spreading.

As it gets bad enough, the future predicted in the movie about society breaking down and humans eventually becoming cannibals will also become reality. There is no way humanity can poison the oceans and live in a comfortable manner. 


Soylent green.jpgWikipedia;"Soylent Green is a 1973 American science fiction film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Charlton Heston, Leigh Taylor-Young, and, in his final film, Edward G. Robinson. The film combines the police procedural and science fiction genres, depicting the investigation into the murder of a wealthy businessman in a dystopian future suffering from global warming, pollution, overpopulation, depleted resources, poverty, dying oceans, and all year humidity due to the greenhouse effect. Much of the population survives on processed food rations, including "soylent green".

theatrical release poster by John Solie

The film, which is loosely based upon the 1966 science fiction novel Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison, won the Nebula Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film in 1973.


The 20th century's industrialization has left the world permanently overcrowded, polluted and stagnant by the turn of the 21st century. In 2022, with 40 million people in New York City alone, housing is dilapidated and overcrowded; homeless people fill the streets; about half are unemployed, the few "lucky" ones with jobs are only barely scraping by themselves, and food and working technology is scarce. Most of the population survives on rations produced by the Soylent Corporation, whose newest product is Soylent Green, a green wafer advertised to contain "high-energy plankton" from the world's oceans, more nutritious and palatable than its predecessors "Red" and "Yellow", but in short supply.

New York City Police Department detective Frank Thorn (Charlton Heston) lives with his aged friend Solomon "Sol" Roth (Edward G. Robinson). Due to Roth's advanced age, he remembers life before its current miserable state, and he routinely waxes nostalgic for his youth when the air was clean and the weather was not perpetually summer. 

He was also well educated and has a small library of reference materials which he uses to help Det. Thorn solve crimes (consequently Roth is referred to as a police "book"). While investigating the murder of William R. Simonson (Joseph Cotten), obviously a member of the wealthy elite, Thorn questions Shirl (Leigh Taylor-Young), a concubine (referred to as "furniture"), and Tab Fielding (Chuck Connors), Simonson's bodyguard, who, when the murder took place, was escorting Shirl to a store selling meat "under the counter" for Simonson. 

Thorn searches Simonson's apartment for clues and enjoys Simonson's luxurious lifestyle like air conditioning and hot running water, and he helps himself to Simonson's real bourbon, fresh vegetables, and a flank steak that Shirl had purchased earlier as a special surprise for Simonson.

Thorn later gives Roth the classified Soylent Oceanographic Survey Report, 2015 to 2019 found in Simonson's apartment. Roth's research reveals that Simonson and the current state governor of New York, Joseph Santini (Whit Bissell), were partners in a well-known high-powered law firm, and that Simonson was also a member of the Board of Soylent.

At the police station, Thorn tells his lieutenant, Hatcher (Brock Peters), that he suspects an assassination: nothing was stolen from the apartment, its sophisticated alarm was not working for the first time in two years, and Simonson's bodyguard was conveniently absent. Continuing his investigation, Thorn visits Fielding's apartment and questions Fielding's concubine, Martha (Paula Kelly), helping himself to a teaspoon of strawberry jam, later identified by Roth as too great a luxury for the concubine of a bodyguard to afford.

Under questioning, Shirl reveals that Simonson became troubled in the days before his death. Thorn questions a Catholic priest that Simonson had visited, but the priest at first fails to remember Simonson and is later unable to describe the confession. Fielding later murders the priest to silence him.

Meanwhile, Governor Santini orders the investigation closed, but Thorn disobeys and the Soylent Corporation dispatches Simonson's murderer to kill Thorn. He tracks Thorn to a ration distribution center where police officers are providing security. When the Soylent Green there is exhausted, the crowd riots. 

The assassin tries to kill Thorn in the confusion, but is crushed by a "scoop" crowd-dispersion vehicle. Thorn then threatens both Fielding and Martha to scare Fielding out of following him and returns to Shirl, telling her that all cities are like theirs and the more valuable, unharmed countryside is guarded to protect the wealthier classes' privileges of better food, water and shelter, leaving the majority of people trapped in the cities with no escape.

Roth takes Soylent's oceanographic reports to a like-minded group of researchers known as the Exchange, who agree that the oceans no longer produce the plankton from which Soylent Green is reputedly made, and infer that it must be made from human remains, as this is the only conceivable supply of protein that matches the known production. Unable to live with this discovery, Roth seeks assisted suicide at a government clinic called "Home."

Thorn rushes to stop him, but arrives too late, and is mesmerized by the euthanasia process's visual and musical montage – a display of forests, wild animals, rivers, and ocean life, now extinct. Under the influence of a lethal drug, Roth tells Thorn his discovery and begs him to expose the truth. To this end, Thorn stows himself aboard a garbage truck to the disposal center, where he sees human corpses converted into Soylent Green. Returning to make his report, he is ambushed by Fielding and others.

He phones his precinct for backup but the precinct is engaged on a priority call. Thorn asks to be connected with Shirl, and to be "cut in" when the precinct is free. Thorn tells Shirl to stay with her apartment's new owner, and Shirl tells Thorn she wants to live with him, but the line is "cut in" and Thorn is connected to Hatcher. Thorn retreats into a cathedral filled with homeless people. In the ensuing fight, he kills Fielding but is seriously injured. When the police arrive, Thorn urges Hatcher to spread the word that "Soylent Green is people!"


Charlton Heston as Detective Frank Thorn
Chuck Connors as Tab Fielding
Joseph Cotten as William R. Simonson
Brock Peters as Chief Hatcher
Paula Kelly as Martha
Edward G. Robinson as Sol Roth
Stephen Young as Gilbert 

Mike Henry as Kulozik
Lincoln Kilpatrick as the Priest
Roy Jenson as Donovan
Leonard Stone as Charles
Whit Bissell as Gov. Santini
Celia Lovsky as the Exchange Leader
Dick Van Patten as Usher #1


The screenplay was based on Harry Harrison's novel Make Room! Make Room! (1966), which is set in the year 1999 with the theme of overpopulation and overuse of resources leading to increasing poverty, food shortages, and social disorder. Harrison was contractually forbidden control over the screenplay and kept from knowing during negotiations that it was MGM buying the film rights.[2] He discussed the adaptation in Omni's Screen Flights/Screen Fantasies (1984),[2][3] noting, the "murder and chase sequences [and] the 'furniture' girls are not what the film is about — and are completely irrelevant", and answered his own question, "Am I pleased with the film? I would say fifty percent".[2]

While the book refers to "soylent steaks", it makes no reference to "Soylent Green", the processed food rations depicted in the film. The book's title was not used for the movie on grounds that it might have confused audiences into thinking it a big-screen version ofMake Room for Daddy.[4]

This was the 101st and last movie in which Edward G. Robinson appeared; he died of cancer twelve days after the filming, on January 26, 1973. Robinson had previously worked with Heston in The Ten Commandments (1956) and the make-up tests for Planet of the Apes (1968). In his book The Actor's Life: Journal 1956-1976, Heston wrote "He knew while we were shooting, though we did not, that he was terminally ill. 

He never missed an hour of work, nor was late to a call. He never was less than the consummate professional he had been all his life. I'm still haunted, though, by the knowledge that the very last scene he played in the picture, which he knew was the last day's acting he would ever do, was his death scene. I know why I was so overwhelmingly moved playing it with him."[5]

The film's opening sequence, depicting America becoming more crowded with a series of archive photographs set to music, was created by filmmaker Charles Braverman. The "going home" score in Roth's death scene was conducted by Gerald Fried and consists of the main themes from Symphony No. 6 ("Pathétique") by Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 6 ("Pastoral") by Beethoven, and the Peer Gynt Suite ("Morning Mood" and "Åse's Death") by Edvard Grieg.
Critical response[edit]

The film was released April 19, 1973.[6] TIME called it "intermittently interesting"; they note that "Heston forsak[es] his granite stoicismfor once" and assert the film "will be most remembered for the last appearance of Edward G. Robinson.... In a rueful irony, his death scene, in which he is hygienically dispatched with the help of piped-in light classical music and movies of rich fields flashed before him on a towering screen, is the best in the film."[7] 

New York Times critic A.H. Weiler wrote "Soylent Green projects essentially simple, muscular melodrama a good deal more effectively than it does the potential of man's seemingly witless destruction of the Earth's resources"; Weiler concludes "Richard Fleischer's direction stresses action, not nuances of meaning or characterization. Mr. Robinson is pitiably natural as the realistic, sensitive oldster facing the futility of living in dying surroundings. But Mr. Heston is simply a rough cop chasing standard bad guys. Their 21st-century New York occasionally is frightening but it is rarely convincingly real."[6]

As of August 2013, Soylent Green has a 71% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 34 reviews.[8]


Winner Best Science Fiction Film of Year - Saturn Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films (Richard Fleischer, Walter Seltzer, Russell Thacher)
Winner Grand Prize - Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival (Richard Fleischer)
Nominee Best Film of Year (Best Dramatic Presentation) - Hugo Awards (Richard Fleischer, Stanley Greenberg, Harry Harrison)
Winner Best Film of Year (Best Dramatic Presentation) - Nebula Award, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (Stanley Greenberg, Harry Harrison)

"Soylent Green is people!" - #77
AFI's 10 Top 10 - Nominated Science Fiction Film[10]

Home video

Soylent Green was released on laserdisc by MGM/UA in 1992 (ISBN 0792813995, OCLC 31684584).[11] In November 2007,Warner Home Video released the film on DVD concurrent with the DVD releases of two other science fiction films; Logan's Run (1976) and Outland (1981).[12] A Blu-ray Disc release followed on March 29, 2011.


Human meat found at McDonalds?

Bottom line, there is probably not human meat in the food chain at present, but looking at how bad things are now, it may not be that far away. Combine the absolute control of huge corporations via the government, mass media and corrupted agencies that are supposed to protect the public, plus the low morals and ethics of these huge global corporations; wouldn't you agree that it would be very easy to take that final one teeny weeny tiny step into a Soylent Green reality?

What with hot dogs, chicken nuggets and processed foods of all kinds.. it would be so very easy to put in some 'human meat additive' that cannot be detected except with genetic tests. Huge food sales corporations have been caught adding ammonia, pink slime, horse meat and other items already, without disclosure, sometimes illegally, and despite government agency oversight. What would keep them from doing the unthinkable, if there is profit in it, given that they now seem to have almost absolute power? 
Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton

Censored, Top Secret! Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, ALEC, TPP, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions


Positive Or Neutral Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad

Activist Teach In; 30 Things Anyone Can Do To Make A Positive Difference

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Back In 1973, Jacques Cousteau said "The Oceans Are Dying" - Soylent Green Movie; Top Secret Information Discovered, The Oceans Are Dying And So Are The Algae - Ocean Algae Produce 50 Percent Of The World's Oxygen

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